This view shows list of tasks, their status, triggers, and other vital information related to configuration and state of Windows Task Scheduler
This sensor allows monitoring of numeric values in Windows Registry. You can set threshold or monitor value change.
This sensor allows to monitor the status of Windows Task Scheduler tasks. It can trigger an alert if the task configuration has changed or if the task has not run on time.
It is possible now to select monitoring provider (probe) when adding nodes via REST-API
Network Service for RDP protocol has been added and discovered by default.
New integration for Service Desk Plus on premise installation has been added
We added several new sensors in this version. CBQoS and new IPSLA offers much better functionality then previous solutions.
The sensor allows monitoring of QoS statistics via SNMP and shows statistics by class names.
The sensor allows setting monitoring of multiple operatons (all defined or using filter) using single sensor configuration.
The sensor connects to LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) server and tries to bind using specified Distinguished Name and password.
Checks the server connectivity and tries to authenticate a specified user.
The sensor monitors battery connected to the computer system (Laptop battery or UPS connected to the computer)
Added support for IPFix packets from vCenter virtual switches
You can generate self-signed certificate for Web Access right from the Desktop Console.
All file and folder sensors support TFTP protocol now.
NetCrunch supports now HMAC-SHA-2 authentication protocols for USM using a Hashed Message Authentication Code (HMAC) based on the SHA-2 family of hash functions: SHA-256 (truncated to 192 bits), SHA-512 (truncated to 384 bits).
NetCrunch underwent a professional 3rd party security audit and fixed several security vulnerabilities that had been discovered.
We put much effort in this release to improve desktop console stability.
We added new tabs, similar to ESX and ESXi/VM ones. These views contain information related to Hyper-V virtualization hosts and Hyper-V virtual machines
You can use Python scripts to create Data Parsers and Text Parsing Expressions now. These parsers have mini-IDE built-in, allowing you to easily test scripts.
Web-Based Enterprise Management comprises a set of systems-management technologies developed to unify the management of distributed computing environments. WBEM is widely adopted now. These sensors allow connecting to WBEM capable systems using HTTP/SOAP protocol.
Allow selecting WBEM/CIM class and instance key to retrieve the object properties
Allows you to monitor properties of a specific object without writing any query
Allows querying WBEM/CIM object and then setting alerts on the objects state
Now you can click on a sparkline chart to instantly review detailed data from the last 24 hours, 7 days or 30 days.
We moved some program components into separate modules, often into different processes. It makes the whole system more resilient and scalable, although it might cause slightly higher server memory consumption.
IPSLA monitor has been replaced with the new implementation.
The console uses GPU for rendering running on physical machines only (disabled for RDP). You can disable GPU rendering by adding "--disable-gpu" to console run parameters.
NetCrunch 10.6 contains completely new remote probe allowing monitoring of network services and monitoring of all NetCrunch sensors including WMI, SQL and many more. The probe also supports network service discovery.
Additionally, now you can set alerts on the remote probe node and get a notification if the probe connection is down.
We added new monitoring packs for monitoring of
We added support for reading switch information from
Now you can easily access traffic data on switch interfaces, right from the Layer 2 maps.
One of the main goals of this release was improving performance, especially for monitoring networks with over 25,000 interfaces and over 300,000 metrics. We also want the console to work smoothly on links with over 200ms latency time.
Multiselection setting in the console works now for more than 1000 nodes selected and is many times faster.
For example, processing event rules is now about 20 times faster. Previously, updating 80 thousand of monitoring rules took about 80sec, now it takes about 4sec.
Console protocol is more efficient and the console connection is now better-optimized for running over high latency links due to reduced request rate.
Access to trend data is much faster so now even multiple series on the chart show up near instantaneously.
Port mapping view allows searching through all nodes connected to switch.
Revamped performance view shows you last 24h history for each counter and allows an easy finding of either monitored object or counter.
New uniform scaling option allows you to visually compare charts without looking at details. We improved overall chart readability and also fixed issues with gauge sections highlighting.
NetCrunch REST API is the feature allowing access to program configuration with HTTP protocol. It allows adding and modifying nodes, views, folders, policies, and sensors. It contains over 40+ requests.
We added many usage examples using cUrl, Python, and Javascript.
Read more API Documenation
available in Advanced Configuration Module
This sensor checks a Windows Domain Controller for Active Directory replication errors. It monitors remotely Domain Controller.
The sensor monitors the status of Windows updates on a computer. Counts installed updates, updates available to install and not installed updates. Allows triggering an alert if the installation of the update fails or when no update has been installed for a given time.
This sensor checks a Windows machine for pending reboots using WMI.
Added support for PSCredential object for PowerShell Scripts
OpenSSL has been updated to version 1.0.2
You can manage access to NetCrunch by assigning access profiles to Active Directory groups. This way you do not need to create NetCrunch account for the user, he needs to be a member of the linked AD group.
Member of linked AD group will be able to login to NetCrunch with AD credentials, and he will receive NetCrunch account automatically and he will receive his access profile according to the group setting.
available in Advanced Configuration module
It's possible to see the parameters of the processes now.
It's possible to convert user-created Static Monitoring Packs to Dynamic Monitoring Packs and vice versa
Information about: program updates, missing monitoring credentials, license or subscription expiration dates, and newest articles in Knowledge Base or in our blog, are now all accessible in the new notification panel.
You can convert edit field to pick list and vice versa now
We added a new tab in System Views showing list of pending updates and their state.
Previously you could only define a threshold on a list of selected instances (i.e., disks).
Now you can select all instances or use filters to include or exclude given cases. For example, you can monitor disks matching regular expression or not containing some word.
The feature works for counter sources including all OS monitors. A similar feature is available for SNMP counters based on tables.
NetCrunch allows defining thresholds on counters created from SNMP table columns. Each row identifies a different instance and given column states the counter value.
We added features that allow you to monitor several new counter categories:
foreign column
- from different SNMP table joined by the index columnHyper-V support is comparable to other virtualization monitoring.
NetCrunch now detects and allows you to configure Hyper-V monitor on Windows nodes. Additionally, you can add VM to NetCrunch and monitor their parameters in a similar way like for VMWare infrastructure.
We've added three system views for Windows machines.
We've added several new ways of sending notification from NetCrunch.
Interface monitoring for secondary interfaces is disabled automatically now to prevent double monitoring and unnecessary license consumption.
Creation of event rules for Network Interface State has been improved - now it's possible to select interface by filtering interface properties
Added one new alert: Event Trigger for Network Interface Performance Counter and one new collector: Network Interfaces Trend Report
Now you can add any web page as a tab to NetCrunch Console. The browser recognizes monitored devices and can automatically accept self signed certificates for them.
Obviously, this way you can add your GrafCrunch dashboard next to other NetCrunch views.
Now you can add a new type of custom field which allows you to define the allowed list of values.
Now you can add another filter to the executed action (such as integration) and execute it only for nodes from a given organization group.
We added new view page (tab) containing all monitored virtual machines in the given Atlas View. Additionally, we present much more information about each Virtual Machine. You can also group machines by Datacenter or Datastore.
In this release, we've put extra effort to improve console performance and stability. We've reduced already low console network footprint which can be in many cases just several megabytes per day.
Who doesn't like fast applications?
NetCrunch always runs the latest software components.
We always look at how to improve the experience with the program. As you can see, this release is more about extending monitoring capabilities than about UI bells and whistles, but we've added several tweaks that make life easier.
New IPMI sensor can monitor all possible parameters available on the monitored device. A filter allows specifying the exact parameters to be monitored. Parameters can be filtered based on their type, entity (i.e. location) and name.
Grafcranch and Grafana plugin have been updated to the latest version of Grafana 5.0.1
You can now setup interface monitoring policy using a filtering expression. You can pick interfaces even one by one now.
Now the action can be executed on the service causing event dynamically, instead of executing it on statically selected service. This allows better handling alert set on any services.
It's a fully capable REST sensor with many possible options, such as: custom requests, custom headers and custom cookies. This sensor allows you to access any API and process any data thanks to the new Data Parsers.
This sensor can monitor various hardware parameters, such as system temperature, fan speed, power supply voltages etc. The availability of these parameters depends on the hardware monitored and the IPMI configuration of the monitored device.
This sensor monitors popular video recorders (made by Interlogix) used for video surveillance. It monitors HDD usage, the status of a connected camera, and status of TruVision recorder device. The sensor triggers alerts when any connected camera signal is lost, HDD space is running low and in other situations.
The sensor is available on request
We improved support for more complex queries. Now you can use any query including joins, conversions and column aliases.
This sensor allows for monitoring HDD drives supporting SMART technology. This is particularly useful for predicting disk failures.
Data parsers allow transforming any external data into NetCrunch format, describing counters and status objects. There are several sensors, such as REST, Generic Agent and Data File, which can use Data Parser to retrieve these data from external sources.
This allows monitoring any data you get from REST API or by file. Data Parsers support XPath, JSONPath, DOM Selectors and Javascript.
NetCrunch includes mini-IDE with syntax highlighting and live script execution on test data.
This new sensor allows for remotely checking the connectivity using a SSH connection (which is basically available on all Linux machines).
This sensor allows taking snapshots from an IP Camera and placing them as a widget on a map.
We added full support for XPath and JSONPath expressions to Text Parsing expressions and new Data Parsers.
Additionally, XPath expression supports DOM Selectors, well known from HTML and CSS.
A new trend view for Web Console replaces the old implementation and brings much better user experience.
On the Internet, you can find many jpeg images for various devices. However, these images are often on a white background and are usually too big to use in an icon format. Now NetCrunch can resize these images and remove the background automatically, creating perfect icons for you.
New sensor allows much better SNMP printer monitoring than existing monitoring packs. It can check metrics and printer status alerts.
It can be always OK (green) or you can set it manually to the desired status. This way you can manually adjust the status of a business process or force remote sensor to be always green.
The sensor status can be also for with status widget and placed on a graphical map.
It gives you a better overview of all automatic monitoring packs enabled for the Atlas.
The new wizard allows quick setting basic settings like device type, credentials, and an icon for the node.
The revamped window allows for searching and tagging newly added icons.
Every monitor, node, and sensor now accepts IPv6 addresses. If a node is monitored by DNS name, you can select which address version will be used for monitoring.
NetCrunch comes with improved SNMPv3 support and thousands of new MIBs precompiled. The database contains over 8500 MIBs with roughly 800,000 objects, which makes it one of the largest MIB collections in the world. Using MIB compiler and creating module filters is much easier now.
You can create a node just to receive data from a remote agent. You can easily create a monitoring agent (in few script lines and using curl) and send data using REST API to such node. Its status is determined by the agent activity.
Layer2 maps support Etherchannels now. The main view shows switches with their connections. Additionally, we added 2 new monitoring packs for monitoring switch port (Link Aggregation) and for monitoring if node port link has been changed (Physical Segments).
NetCrunch fully supports multi-selection operations on all node settings. So, it's easy to add a service or change certain monitor settings on multiple nodes at once.
Dealing with views of organizational groups has never been easier. Add nodes to an organizational group and assign a user to the given group. As a result, the user will see nodes from the given group only. There is no need to create separate views, as all views will be filtered accordingly. Organizational groups are supported in Web Console and in GrafCrunch.
Flow dashboard is available for every Atlas View. Additionally, it now supports multiple flow sources and you can filter by flow sources.
Business Status Node allows you to combine status of various elements such as nodes, services or sensors into one, virtual node status.
With this node, you easily define a status for critical or redundant elements.
NetCrunch supports executing SQL query to popular databases. It supports SQL Server, Oracle, PostgreSQL, MySQL, MariaDB, and ODBC sources.
The sensors allow measuring query execution, but more importantly, they allow for of the processing returned data. Multi-row results can be easily converted into performance metrics. Single row result can be treated as an object with properties, so NetCrunch can alert on state change.
This sensor allows checking of the SSL certificate expiration date, and various certificate properties. Additionally, HTTP sensors get a very similar capability. The sensor can be used to validate any SSL/TLS based connection, not just for HTTP/S.
NetCrunch provides 9 new advanced WMI sensors.
We added support for sending MQTT messages and support for SMS Eagle and AlertOps services.
This new sensor allows for remote log monitoring by using ssh/bash. The text log sensor supports multiple sources such as Windows/SMB, FTP/S, HTTP/S, SSH/Bash, and SFTP.
This new sensor replaces the old Open Monitor feature. It allows for polling data from a remote file using various channels such as FTP/S, HTTP/S, SSH/Bash, SFTP, Windows/SMB. It can be added to any node, even to one without any address (Remote Sensor Node).
It simply checks device uptime and supports WMI, SSH/Bash, and SNMP protocols.
Every sensor has been upgraded, and some were consolidated.
NetCrunch now can handle multiple redundant SMTP servers. You can define up to 10 SMTP servers, which are checked in order to send a notification email.
NetCrunch allows for easy changing of settings for multiple nodes. Now you can define a template for the node which synchronizes settings for sensors, monitoring packs and monitors for multiple nodes automatically.
Remote Probes are remote monitoring agents, able to check 70+ network services, including SNMP Ping and HTTP ping.
The probe is very lightweight and can be installed on accommodating hardware. These agents can be installed behind NAT and will monitor remote nodes and send data to NetCrunch.
NetCrunch now allows using Javascript (ES6) for parsing expressions.
This sensor allows for checking authentication process and validates the response from a RADIUS server.
This has been a very busy year for us. We've completed more than 1400 tasks including bug fixes, improvements, and new features. Detailed list of changes is in the release notes.
Nodes are down by dependency instead of being disabled like in NetCrunch 9. When a node is disabled, its pending alerts are closed, so it does not influence any state.