How to send NetCrunch notification messages to Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams is the digital hub that brings conversations, content, assignments, and apps together in one place. This article will help you configure NetCrunch to send notification messages right into the Microsoft Teams channel.

Enable NetCrunch to send messages to Microsoft Teams

Enabling NetCrunch to send messages to Microsoft Teams requires setting up a relevant Integration Profile. To do so, click Monitoring Integration Profiles at the top of the NetCrunch application.

In the editor, you will be asked for your Microsoft Teams Webhook URL. It's worth noting, this webhook connects to a particular channel in your Team, so you might want to consider creating an exclusive channel for NetCrunch messages.

Integration Profile

Create an alert sending the message to Microsoft Teams channel

When Integration Profile is ready, you can create an alerting script (or edit existing one), to fill the Microsoft Teams channel with NetCrunch alert messages. The steps below explain how to create a new alerting script.

  1. Click MonitoringAlerting Escalation Script
  2. In the Alerting Scripts Window click Add Alerting Script
  3. Click Add and select Action to Run immediately
  4. Click Integrations tab and select Microsoft Teams Message
Create alerting Script

A new window will appear, where you can test sending a message to the Microsoft Teams channel by clicking the Test button. A small window with the test procedure will appear, and if everything is configured properly, the test should display a "Successfully executed" message and a test message should now appear in the relevant channel, for which you provided a webhook earlier in Integration Profile.

Test the integration

Now select a node and create a test alert (for example Node Monitoring Disabled), then assign the alerting script to this alert. The following steps explain how to create a "Node Monitoring Disabled" alert for a single node.

  1. Right-click the node where you want to create an alert
  2. Select the Node Settings and click Alerts&Reports in the node settings window
  3. Click Add Alert, select the Basic tab and choose Node monitoring is disabled
  4. Right-click the new Alert and select Assign Predefined Alerting Script Your Script name
Assign the alerting Script

If you now trigger the alert (Disable the Node Monitoring), a message will be sent to the relevant Microsoft Teams channel. If such an alerting script is attached to various alerts, NetCrunch will send messages into the mentioned channel each time the given alert is generated.



NetCrunch Network Monitoring

Network Maps, Dashboards, and Alerts.
Monitor anything. Network, cloud, config.