Printer monitoring in NetCrunch

Use NetCrunch printer sensor to get information about the status of the printer and the ink level.


Printer sensor requires SNMP to be enabled on the printer, make sure that SNMP is enabled on the printer node and the proper credentials are used.

Add Printer sensor

  1. Open node settings of the printer node.
  2. Click on + Add Monitoring Sensor
  3. Printer sensor is located in the Other category, but it's easier to use the search feature.
  4. By default, NetCrunch will use default SNMP profile - if it's different for some reason, set the proper SNMP profile to be used by the sensor.
  5. Test Sensor in the top right corner.
printer sensor test

The default configuration is enough to cover all basics of the printer monitoring.

This sensor detects whether the printer uses color or black ink only, and it will monitor the status of all printer covers and paper trays without any additional configuration.

color printer test

When NetCrunch detects a problem, an alert is generated and it will include all important information read directly from the device.

example alert

netcrunch 10.3printersnmp

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